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Support us

The Pachaillariy Association welcomes all who are interested in collaboration and mutual solidarity. Our activities are possible thanks to the generosity of donors and sponsors. We would be most grateful for your support.

Bank data

Bank name: BBVA Continental Bank
Name of the beneficiary: Asociación Pachaillariy

Account number S/.: 0011-0200-0201908733-33
Interbank code S/.: 011-200-000201908733-33

US$ account number: 0011-0200-0201908741-36
US$ interbank code: 011-200-000201908741-36


Association Information

Pachaillariy Association

RUC registration number 20608318985

Pachaillariy Association ZR N°X-SEDE CUSCO, O-R Cusco. Item No.: 11258191, RD No. 190-2022/APCI-DOC

Resolution of the entity that receives donations with the IR Cusco Resolution of the Administration No. 0990050004192

Resolution Exempted Entity Income No. 0990050004169

Pachaillariy is registered in the Registry of National Non-Governmental Development Organizations (ONGD) that receive International Technical Cooperation, which is run by the Peruvian Agency for International Cooperation (APCI).

Address: Sector Incacpata S/N, CC de Huayllaccocha, Huarocondo, Anta-Cusco

Phone +51997383698

For any questions or queries, contact us by email:

If there are any other ways that you believe you can support us, please contact us here.


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